intuitive card readings

These readings are timeless. Trust that whenever you feel called to watch is the timing that’s aligned for you (no matter when the reading was originally posted). As always, please take only what resonates and leave the rest—these are meant to support and inspire.

Tarot Readings, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo Tarot Readings, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo

Dark Night of the Soul reading—Supportive insights, guidance, and praise as you move through the ‘Dark Night’

If you’re feeling like you might be experiencing a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ (DNoS) and/or a spiritual awakening, this reading is for you. In it, we explore the greater spiritual purpose of this ‘Dark Night’; what’s supporting your movement through it (as well as what could be making it more challenging); what you can do to support yourself more; and what you’re doing really well. Spoiler alert: You’re navigating this beautifully (even when it feels like you’re not)!

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