Intuitive Q + A on Fear | Part II

Below is a collection of automatic writings intuited on 4/4/2020 in response to the mounting fears surrounding coronavirus. Please know that what comes through to the page is often new information to me and sometimes doesn’t make sense in the moment. It’s usually with hindsight weeks, months, or even years later when what comes through intuition resonates most meaningfully.

Note: Paragraph spacing and bolding were added by me for clarity, ease of reading, and to call attention to certain aspects of the message.

What would you like to share in this moment?

In this moment in time we would like to share more about the fear that is pervading your society.

There is great fear in great abundance and yet it is isolated in clusters.

For many of you are beginning to perceive of the dissipation of fear and the turning inward to the light of what is. For in these moments of isolation, you are beginning to unearth the beauty of stillness, the beauty of being.

And yet there do exist pockets of fear where fear has taken over and pervaded through certain realms of your society. These are those individuals who are attached to the narrative of the media and who have a hard time parting ways from the “news.” For these individuals have forgotten their most divine wisdom—that the only news of importance comes from within.

If there is news of presence, of perseverance, of persistence in your life, let that be the only news you seek.

Do not seek outwards the answers that can only come from within.

For in the seeking [of one answer] there is a loss of understanding of what truly is. For the mind focuses so intently on the energy of fear being transmitted through these [news] communications that it loses sight of the perfect state of presence that is surrounding the individual in this moment. For there is no fear to be had when the moment is embraced for what it is.

Even in those who are dying, there is no longer fear but surrender. Many do not want to hear this because they want to continue on with their story of fear for fear is addictive just like any other substance that is prone to drawing in an addict.

Fear is also communicative within itself. What we mean by this is that fear takes on its own energy and weaves its way through consciousness in such a way that it permeates the greater sphere of energy and weighs heavily on all within the atmosphere beneath it.

And so even those who are turning inward to the light are waging a challenging war to maintain peace because the energy of fear is so persistent, so consuming. It lures even the most peaceful back into its grasp, beckoning the perceiver of it to “just take a look” at this “article” or that “video.” And then the fear sucks the perceiver back in like an abyss. And the perceiver finds herself all-consumed with fear yet again.

It is true that the virus of fear may be worse than this very real virus itself. 

And yet in this same breath that we encourage a turning away from fear, we also encourage a broad acceptance of the stark duality of what is.

For without fear, one cannot know peace.

It is this dual-pointed energy that grounds the earth to where it is and expands consciousness so perfectly, so meaningfully.

For without duality there is oneness.

There is a time and a place for oneness in the Universe. In fact, most of the Universe exists in a state of perpetual oneness.

But here on earth there is duality and so those who dwell on this earthly plane must embrace the experience of duality. For denying it is only experiencing half of what there is to experience here. And expansion happens through experience, and so if you deny the opposing experience, you deny the full expansion of your being into what it could become.

You see, there is no light to be seen without the dark. There cannot be dark without the light either. It is in the illumination of what is that we see the full breadth of what can be.

And this is the reason all are here on this earth. To experience both poles of reality. Not just “good”, not just “bad” as you would call them, but all.

Everything there is to feel must be experienced for the fullest expansion to unfold.

And so you see, there is a great duality that exists in this moment, for the fear that is unfolding is being balanced by a most magnificent light that illuminates the hearts of all and yet also beckons forth the own darkness of the experiencer.

You see you are all light and dark experiencing itself. Each and every one of you. And through the experience of both you come to realize that you are one. And it is in this point that the universe expands forth and forward into what it is becoming.

But you see it is not the identification with fear that we are promoting when we speak of the validity and importance of duality, but the mere awareness of it [fear].

We see some who identify so fiercely with the light that they shutout the dark and others who identify so fiercely with the dark that they shutout the light.

The purpose of duality is acknowledgement and awareness of competing polarities without strict adherence to either but rather an ebb and flow that is naturally occurring for the human experience. We hope this makes sense.

Most simply put, one must be aware of both sides of the coin to acknowledge the coin’s [truest] existence.


In the same way, one must be aware of both sides of human existence to truly exist on this earthly plane.

For in losing sight of the opposite, we lose sight of the full experience. And so we encourage all to hold space for all. For both sides of the experience, even when you identify more truly with one or the other.

Expansion happens through fullness and breadth, not through selectivity of focus. And so when we seek to understand the dark, we understand not only the light more fully but also life itself. 

Can you speak more to the “greater” experience or meaning that is at play? You had mentioned this in a previous writing.

Yes. We speak to the greater meaning of what is because it helps to place context around an experience that is so polarizing.

There is much to be learned from this experience and there is beauty to be had for those brave enough to look past the surface of fear and to see what is unfolding at the core of fear.

For at the core of fear is what is at the core of everything: unity, one-point perspective, the all-seeing, all-knowing vantage point for all. This might not make sense now, but it will later.

For what is unfolding is the beginning of a mass tipping point for consciousness. An evolution of the vantage point.

This will not be the only tipping point for there is too much conditioning to be undone. The conditioning of what your society has told you about itself needs to be washed away so that the truth of what truly is can be illuminated. 

For those who are uncertain of the meaning of this “pandemic” as you say, we would offer them this piece of wisdom:

Be certain that who you are trusting is trustworthy and look for the questions that lie within every answer. For there is no answer you are being given that is all-knowing, for the only all-knowing answer that is comes from within.

And so when you seek without, you seek answers that are diluted and contaminated with messages bound to an agenda. To something that is being contorted and distorted for the purpose of something tethered to fear.

If you are at peace with maintaining your trust in these perceptions, then please do continue on.

But what we offer here is merely a gateway to perceive of something truer. Something more real for you. The you that truly is. For within the turning within there is knowledge to be unearthed.


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Intuitive Q + A on Fear