Intuitive Q + A on Fear

Below is a collection of automatic writings intuited on 3/12/2020 in response to the mounting fears surrounding COVID-19.

Note: Paragraph spacing and bolding were added by me for clarity, ease of reading, and to call attention to certain aspects of the message.

What is this new earth?

The new earth is the unfolding of the old and the creation of the new. The elevation of consciousness to new heights long since seen on planet earth and entirely different than previous shifts and elevations in this realm.

The teachers are here to guide the way and we will be informing you of the changes as they emerge on the leading edge of consciousness.

While many will fear, there is love to be had in greater abundance than ever before.

Turn to the light to reduce the darkness of fear and illuminate the hearts of others by illuminating your own and radiating that light outward.

We cannot give what we do not radiate and emanate within ourselves. And this is more true for love, light, and trust than for any other emotional states. To offer light to others we must first offer it to ourselves.

What about the fear? Everyone is so fearful right now.

There is much to be said about the power of fear and its being within us.

The fear people experience will ultimately guide them back to the truth of this reality and of the greater reality and collective.

There is truth here that has never been seen or experienced before and instead of being reserved for the select few, it will be available to all in abundance.

The truth can be mistaken for fear in those who aren't yet aware of the nature of reality but for those that are, the fear will be transmitted through pure consciousness and shift from fear into love.

For those that are awakened, the fear is weakened by the understanding of something greater [at work].

It is difficult to fear when you see the larger picture.

And yet you dip back into fear the more grounded you become in this current physical reality, and yet when you elevate your consciousness to perceive of something greater, the fear subsides and makes way for love that you haven't felt before.

This love is encompassing and inclusive of feelings of trust and support as you know and recognize that you’re supported by the Universe.

This fear and the cause of it are all purposeful.

Although that is difficult for some to receive and accept, the acceptance of this truth will set many free from the shackles of fear.

What knowledge would offer peace right now?

It is difficult to offer peace where there is so much fear but what we can say is that others will move beyond fear as they place their trust in the unfolding of something greater.

To see the greater, broader picture is to make sense of what is and what is is somehow always working in your favor even when it appears to be doing the opposite.

Many will say that this is terrible or awful or bad. We encourage you to hold space to consider that it just is. And what is is necessary for the expansion of all.

There will be death and difficulty but it is always in the power of the individual soul to choose to stay or to go. And many came into this life knowing that this would be their exit. For on the other side, these individuals are able to transmute their loving energy back into the world to heal what is going on and to elevate the consciousness of all.

And so as much as you can, make peace with what is and release the fear. There are some things that you can control outside of you but most of what is within your realm of control lies within. If you can unearth peace within, you will offer peace without and that is what the world needs right now.

The world is literally dying for hope, for something more, for something outside the shackles of this current physical reality and the earth is getting what it wishes for, albeit in a way that it never would have consciously chosen, as you think of conscious choosing that is, and yet which it did so consciously choose for the sake of its expansion.


Intuitive Q + A on Fear | Part II