Befriending your fear is the key to taking action at this crossroads

Reading format: Message for whoever most needs to here it

What you’re currently navigating
How you’re showing up
What would be supportive for you to know right now?
What would be supportive for you to do right now?


Situation themes? Taking action at a crossroads, uncovering treasure amidst the “thorny tangles”, stepping into power, befriending your fear.

What action are you being guided to take or are you taking? Stepping into your emotions (especially ones that might be making you feel uncomfortable or confused) / healing any resistance to feeling into your emotions. An ‘a-ha’ moment about what action to take or about needing to take action in an empowered way. You might be feeling overwhelmed by what the next best step to take is. (I found myself confused in navigating this part of the reading because so much came forward at once.)

How are you showing up in this situation? You might be feeling a bit confused right now which could be leading to feelings of overwhelm and pessimism about what to do (or even if you want to do anything at all). (I kept sensing this swaying motion while answering this question as if the confusion might be leading you to waiver a bit.) You might be taking a moment of pause or rest with regards to this situation right now—whether it’s an intentional pause to find clarity or because you’re feeling overwhelmed and hoping to ignore the situation altogether (no judgment—the mind often runs when it’s confused!) There’s an undertone of knowing that you’re being pulled towards a destined path here

What would be most supportive for you to know about what you’re moving through right now? This partnership or relationship is being built on solid, sturdy ground emotionally and financially as well. I also heard, “family partnership”. Whatever it is that you’re moving towards or taking action towards feels stable, supported, and protected. “You’re being caught and held within this transition…”

What would be most supportive for you to do right now? (I felt a bit blocked at this point in the reading and wasn’t picking up on this, but watching it back I got the ping that what could be most supportive for you to do right now is to “live without regrets”—please only take this if it resonates for you though.) If you connect to the idea of being a “divine counterpart”, you could be being guided to drop your guard with this person if you’re feeling isolated.

What’s the most soothing wisdom you could hear right now? If you’ve felt “out in the cold” or alone on your journey, you won’t for long.

Summary of guidance

Notice how you might be cutting yourself off from love (for others and for yourself). How can you soften into your innocence and forgive yourself to free yourself from self-judgment?

“…you’re being called to remember your Soul’s greater plan and surrender to it…”

Learn to use fear as a mile marker guiding you to the next step rather than treating it as a stop sign. It’s fear that’s guiding you forward as you step towards your Soul’s greater plan. When it comes to doubt, “the only way around it is through it… it’s all part of the larger plan.”

What are you being called to do to surrender to your Soul’s greater plan?

If you’re feeling confused, up in your head, or as if fear is yanking you around, consider listening to this podcast episode on heart-brain coherence.

You’re being guided to befriend your fear. Fear is what “holds the gift to allow you to manifest your dreams.”

“When you befriend the painful parts of your personality, you will find they are the ones that hold the secrets that allow you to fully step into your purpose.”

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Disclaimer: This reading is intended for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice or counsel.


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