Situation reading: Be wary of the ‘Dream Thief’—the dream you don’t acknowledge will eventually stop knocking

Reading format:

Situation reading—for whoever most needs to hear it

Questions answered in this reading:

  1. What situation are you currently navigating?

  2. What energy are you being called to embody more of in this situation?

  3. What energy are you being called to embody less of in this situation?

  4. What are you doing really well when it comes to navigating this?

  5. Blocks?

  6. What guidance does your Higher Self have for you here?

Reading notes + broad themes

There’s a lot more to this than below, so I recommend watching to get the full picture.

  • You know what you want, victory is knocking, and your intuition is guiding you to follow your heart, but others’ agendas and fears (or your own) may be getting in the way of following through on this dream.

  • You may be feeling as if you’re being “watched like a hawk” / under the microscope (or you’re watching yourself like a hawk and judging yourself about this).

  • Outside interference may be getting in the way of your heart’s path.

  • You’re being called to awaken to and choose the dream, but destiny is a choice that requires bravery. You either choose it or you don’t. The choice is up to you.

Mentioned in Reading

Ascension Glossary—Eye of Yahweh mind control grid.

If this is something you’re wanting to protect yourself from, consider using this 5-minute 12D Shielding meditation—it’s specifically designed to help ground, guard, and protect from reversal frequency currents like this one. Use it daily (once every 24 hours) to keep yourself protected.

Note: This meditation will seem bizarre to your mind (it still does to mine, and I’ve used it daily for 6 months now). Tune into your heart and do your best to allow the strangeness and to trust in what your heart feels over what your mind instinctively says.

Book: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Other Tools + Supports

Core Fear Removal bedtime prayer to request assistance in clearing fear-based programming and negative thought forms while you sleep.

Note: It says to prepare the 12D shield before you do this, but if you’ve already done so in the morning or earlier in the day, you can simply envision the shield surrounding you as you declare, ‘I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.’ The ‘I am God’ part is likely to feel uncomfortable and maybe even “wrong” if you’re coming from a religious background, yet this is intended to broadly address and honor the aspect of God that exists within the core of each of us—the eternal energy that in-forms our very presence and makes life possible. It’s a statement of sincere, heartfelt reverence and appreciation, not one of disrespect.

Discipline Mental Body Technique

Introduction to Ascension + Fear Clearing (free audio files)

*I’m no longer writing out detailed reading notes for these, because it was taking multiple hours to do so and I needed to reclaim some of my time and energy in honor of self-love. Please sense into your intuition to determine if this feels resonant for you to watch. 💛

Disclaimer: This reading is intended for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice or counsel.


Dark Night of the Soul reading—Supportive insights, guidance, and praise as you move through the ‘Dark Night’


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