Ep. 11: Quantum Manifestation


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Manifestation is the idea that we're capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings.

You might know it as Law of Attraction or 'The Secret'. The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects.

In this episode, we take a broader, more wholistic look at manifestation.

We also dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.


1. Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Information Flow Newtonian vs. Quantum
2.Dr. Joe Dispenza—movement from thought to energy to matter.

1. Why is Quantum Biology Still Being Ignored by Conventional Medicine?
2. Relativity versus quantum mechanics: the battle for the universe
3. Timeline: the history of gravity
4. How Einstein's general theory of relativity killed off common-sense physics
5. Quantum vs. Classical
6. This is Why Quantum Field Theory is More Fundamental than Quantum Mechanics
7. Getting Beyond the Self


Dispenza, J. (2018). *Breaking the habit of being yourself: How to lose your mind and create a new one. Hay House.

Lipton, B. (2005). *The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Hay House.

Swart, T. (2019). *The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain. HarperOne.

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual professional psychological advice.


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